Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Job Opening: Space Trash Collector

There is a growing need for space trash collectors. The international space station had to use its thrusters to divert a collision course with space trash. Scientist believes greenhouse gas are lengthening the life of space trash. According to the article from Science News August edition, author Janet Raloff addressed the concern which plagues satellites orbiting earth. Apparently the need has been recognized but the financial reality imposes a stumbling block.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Humans Will be Wearing Electronic Devices

According to the magazine Science August 12 edition computers are literally getting under the skin. Scientist have devised a method of attaching electronic devices to the skin much like a tattoo. The electronics could be cell phone or computer. This is a huge breakthrough,” says nanoengineer Michael McAlpine of Princeton University. The implications of this new technology will change how we interact with electronic devices.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hurricane Season is Upon Us

Tropical storm Emily continues toward the Island of Cuba. The storm is moving west at 14 mph. Its maximum winds are currently at approximately 50 mph. The storm is expected to weaken as it passes over the Dominican Republic. After crossing land the storm is expected to strengthen as it moves toward the Bahamas and off the US east coast.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Life After the Space Shuttle

On July 21st 2011 the space shuttle successfully landed for good but that has not stopped NASA from an ambitious undertaking.  Apparently, the next phase for the space program is to land on an asteroid. This feat would take manned space travel to farther distances than the moon. NASA is also expecting to use the International Space Station as a final launching leg in order to propel a space craft to an asteroid. I anticipate new innovations will spin off from this venture.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Space Shuttle Atlantis Heading Home Today

After spending an eight day rendezvous, Atlantis left the International Space Station (ISS) today. The successful mission was sad for the crew and worker's of NASA because it was the last NASA space shuttle that would leave the ISS. Atlantis took a partial lap around the ISS before heading back to Earth. Atlantis is scheduled to touch down in Florida this Thursday.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Last Space Shuttle Launch

The last space shuttle Atlantis was launched Friday July 8th at 11:29 AM from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The mission is to bring a years supply of materials to the International Space Station and bring back trash. This was the 135th launching since the inaugural mission in 1981. Atlantis will orbit for 12 days before returning to Earth.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Please comment on science news

This blog is to compile current science news that would interest middle school students. Examples could include but not limited to; earthquakes, space, biology, energy, and atmosphere/weather.