Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Last Space Shuttle Launch

The last space shuttle Atlantis was launched Friday July 8th at 11:29 AM from Cape Canaveral, Florida. The mission is to bring a years supply of materials to the International Space Station and bring back trash. This was the 135th launching since the inaugural mission in 1981. Atlantis will orbit for 12 days before returning to Earth.


  1. I would love to have been able to see the space shuttle launch. No matter how many times I see it on TV, it's always such an amazing thing. And 135 launchings in 30 years? Wow!

  2. It is really sad that this is the end of an era, but also exciting to see what will happen next. I wonder if space exploration will go quicker now that people will be funding it in the private sector.
    ~Emily Callaway

  3. I am amazed by amount of launches. It has always been apart of our generation and it will be different not seeing them lift off on TV. I wish I would have been able to go see a launch in person.
    -Kelly O'Leary
