Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Space Shuttle Atlantis Heading Home Today

After spending an eight day rendezvous, Atlantis left the International Space Station (ISS) today. The successful mission was sad for the crew and worker's of NASA because it was the last NASA space shuttle that would leave the ISS. Atlantis took a partial lap around the ISS before heading back to Earth. Atlantis is scheduled to touch down in Florida this Thursday.


  1. I think this is such a sad thing. I know that the country is in financial issues but I think the space program is important. It is sad that they are no longer going to be working in space.

  2. I agree it will be a sad day for the scientific space community.

  3. I'm in agreement also...but it's a small picture of what's happening today in politics. Makes me sad...
    ~Allison Sands

  4. It is really sad to think of the end of the era, but I'm really excited to see what happens next. Just because one door closes, doesn't mean that another doesn't open.

  5. I agree with Mrs. Callaway! I think that we will return to space in the near future!
