Thursday, August 11, 2011

Humans Will be Wearing Electronic Devices

According to the magazine Science August 12 edition computers are literally getting under the skin. Scientist have devised a method of attaching electronic devices to the skin much like a tattoo. The electronics could be cell phone or computer. This is a huge breakthrough,” says nanoengineer Michael McAlpine of Princeton University. The implications of this new technology will change how we interact with electronic devices.


  1. This is a scary idea! It sounds like it would be easier and easier to track people. However, it would be good for sex offenders or other criminals. Very interesting idea!

  2. Okay, this freaks me out a little. I'm already addicted to my cell phone, and I can't imagine not having the choice to leave it at home. Not to mention the scary idea of having people know where you are at all times. It will be interesting to see what happens!
