Thursday, August 4, 2011

Hurricane Season is Upon Us

Tropical storm Emily continues toward the Island of Cuba. The storm is moving west at 14 mph. Its maximum winds are currently at approximately 50 mph. The storm is expected to weaken as it passes over the Dominican Republic. After crossing land the storm is expected to strengthen as it moves toward the Bahamas and off the US east coast.


  1. It's awful that it hit Haiti, but it is nice to hear that it has been down graded. I just hope the rest of the storm season is nice and calm.

  2. I hope this storm doesn't do too much damage to these countries. I have a friend who didn't get to go to all the stops on their Caribbean cruise due to Emily. Thank you for sharing!

  3. I hope you are not in the path of the storm. Hurricanes scare me to death...part of what I like about Maine!
    ~Allison Sands
