Monday, July 25, 2011

Life After the Space Shuttle

On July 21st 2011 the space shuttle successfully landed for good but that has not stopped NASA from an ambitious undertaking.  Apparently, the next phase for the space program is to land on an asteroid. This feat would take manned space travel to farther distances than the moon. NASA is also expecting to use the International Space Station as a final launching leg in order to propel a space craft to an asteroid. I anticipate new innovations will spin off from this venture.


  1. This makes me think of the movie Armageddon with Bruce Willis and Ben Affleck. I wonder if they will use a manned ship to land or if it will be robotic-ally maneuvered? It will be an interesting next step either way!

  2. I was thinking the same thing Mrs. Callaway. I guess they are gearing up to save the world. I think it would be neat to travel on an asteroid. I guess this is NASA's way of saving money on gas!

  3. Wow, just think of the things we will learn from this endeavor! How exciting! I also thought of the movie Armageddon!

  4. This makes me feel so much better. I was worried that they were closing all the space programs down. What about all the people they are laying off though. Will they work on the new program? I will be interested in hearing more about this adventure.
